2005 Everybody loves a fat pay rise.Yet pleasure at your own can vanish if you lear that a colleague has been given a bigger one.

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Everybody loves a fat pay rise. Yet pleasure at your own can vanish if you learn that a colleague has been given a bigger one. Indeed, if he has a reputation for slacking, you might even be outraged. Such behaviour is regarded as "all too human", with the underlying assumption that other animals would not be capable of this finely developed sense of grievance. But a study by Sarah Brosnan and Frans de Waal of Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, which has just been published in Narure, suggests that it is all too monkey, as well.


vanish; 来自-van, 空出,虚无 → 引申词义消失。

colleague; col- 共同 , 一起 + leag ( -lig- )捆 , 约束 + ue → 一起共事的人 → 同事。

reputation; re- 再 + -put- 考虑 + -ation 名词词尾 → 经得起反复考虑、深思确认的名声 → 名声,声望 。

slack; 古英语 slaec, 疲倦的 → 松懈的,懈怠的,懒散的。

outrage; out- 外 + rage 愤怒 → 暴行、冒犯,义愤、痛恨,严重的违法行为。

regard; re- 回 + -gard- 看 → 往回看 → 把...看做、对待,注视。

all too human; 归根到底还是人,人之常情,人性的,太人性的。

underlying; under- 在下 + lie 躺;位于 → 构成 → lying ( lie 的现在分词),根本的、潜在的、隐含的。

assumption; as- 朝 , 向 + -sumpt- 拿 , 买 + -ion → 拿一个观点作为自己的论点 → 假设(着重指以可能性为依据的假设 ),设想,担任,承当,假装,作态。

capable; cap- 拿 , 取 + -able 形容词词尾 → (褒)有能力的,有本领的;(贬)敢…的,能干得出…的。

finely; finis, 终结,边界 → 接近极点的,最高程度的 → 精细的、好的,罚金(来自终结债务,解决争端等);这里翻译为高度的。

grievance; griev ( -grav- )重;压迫 + -ance 名词词尾 → 重压之下的情感 → 委屈,苦衷,不满,怨恨。

The researchers studied the behaviour of female brown capuchin monkeys. They look cute. They are good-natured, co-operative creatures, and they share their food readily. Above all, like their female human counterparts, they tend to pay much closer attention to the value of "goods and services" than males.


capuchin;cap帽子 + uchin 肮脏淘气的 → 形容原行乞修士戴着尖帽 → 嘉布遣会 (圣芳济教会)修士→ 僧帽猴(因南美的卷尾猴头顶上有一撮黑色的锥状毛髮);这里当然指僧帽猴。鼎鼎大名的卡布奇诺(Cappuccino),就来源于圣芳济教会(Capuchin)和意大利文头巾(Cappucio)的组合,因浓缩咖啡、牛奶和奶泡混合后,颜色就像是修士所穿的深褐色道袍。

cute; 缩写自 acute, 尖锐的,敏锐的 → 词义由敏锐到聪明到可爱。

good-natured; 脾气好的;和蔼的,和善的;这里翻译为性情温和。

creature; cre- 创造 + -ate 动词词尾 + -ure 名词词尾 → 西方认为生物由造物主创造 → 生物、动物、人。

above all; 在所有之上的 → 最重要的是,尤其是。

counterpart; counter- 相反 , 相对 + -part- 分 , 局部 → 对应的人或事。、

Such characteristics make them perfect candidates for Dr. Brosnan's and Dr. de Waal's study. The researchers spent two years teaching their monkeys to exchange tokens for food. Normally, the monkeys were happy enough to exchange pieces of rock for slices of cucumber. However, when two monkeys were placed in separate but adjoining chambers, so that each could observe what the other was getting in return for its rock, their behaviour became markedly different.


characteristic; character (特征)+ istic (形容词后缀) → 特征的,独特的、特有的、典型的;这里作名词。

candidate; cand 发光 → candid (穿白衣)+ ate (过去分词形式)→ 穿白衣的人(古罗马时代穿白衣参加竞选 一来表现品行洁白 而来白衣在人群中显眼) → 候选人。

token; 古英语 tacen, 符号,象征 → 代币,象征,符号,标志,代金券。

slice; sl-, 砍,劈,分开 → 切,割,划,切成薄片;这里作名词,翻译为片。

cucumber →  拉丁语cucumerem  → 胡瓜(瓜是西汉时期张骞出使西域带回中原) → 黄瓜(五胡十六国时后赵皇帝石勒忌讳“胡”字,汉臣襄国郡守樊坦将其改为“黄瓜”)。

chamber; 来自 PIE * sker, 转,拱  → 希腊语 kamara (带拱顶的建筑或房间) → 拉丁语中派生的 camara →  古法语中派生为 chambre → 原指拱形的室 → 室,会议厅,房间。

adjoining; ad-, 去,往。 join, 连接、加入 → adjoin:连接,毗连,靠近,临近,接界;adjoining,adjoin的现在分词形式,表示相邻的。

observe; ob-, 向前,朝向, -serve, 注视,观察,保护 → 观察,注视 → 遵行,遵守;这里表示观察。

markedly; mark 记号 + -ed → marked:引人注目的,显著的 → markedly 形容词后缀ly。

In the world of capuchins, grapes are luxury goods (and much preferable to cucumbers). So when one monkey was handed a grape in exchange for her token, the second was reluctant to hand hers over for a mere piece of cucumber. And if one received a grape without having to provide her token in exchange at all, the other either tossed her own token at the researcher or out of the chamber, or refused to accept the slice of cucumber. Indeed, the mere presence of a grape in the other chamber (without an actual monkey to eat it) was enough to induce resentment in a female capuchin.


grape; 古日耳曼语 krappon → 弯曲 → 本指采集葡萄的钩子  → 葡萄,葡萄酒,葡萄树。在古英语中,葡萄本是 winberige ( wine berry ),后来才被来自古法语的 grape 取代。

luxury; 可能来自 PIE * las, 缺乏管制,放纵 → 原义为自我放纵的 → 词义中性化,用来指感官的愉悦,享受 → 后词义再次贬义化,用来指奢华,奢侈。

preferable;  pre- 前 , 先 + -fer- 拿取 + -able 形容词词尾 → 更可取的,更好的,更合意的;文中翻译为更受欢迎的。

reluctant; re-, 回, 相对,对着干, luctari, 缠绕,扭打 → 引申词义勉强的,不情愿的。

toss; 扔,抛,摇摆,颠簸。

presence; pre- 前 , 先 + -senc- 存在 + -e → 出席,到场;存在,在。

resentment; re- 回 , 向后;相反 , 反对 + -sent- 感觉 + -ment → 反感 → 愤恨,怨恨。

The researchers suggest that capuchin monkeys, like humans, are guided by social emotions. In the wild, they are a co-operative, group-living species. Such co-operation is likely to be stable only when each animal feels it is not being cheated. Feelings of righteous indignation, it seems, are not the preserve of people alone. Refusing a lesser reward completely makes these feelings abundantly clear to other members of the group. However, whether such a sense of fairness evolved independently in capuchins and humans, or whether it stems from the common ancestor that the species had 35 million years ago, is, as yet, an unanswered question.


species;  spec- 种 + -iest → 种,类,物种。

stable; st- 站立 , 放置 + -able 形容词词尾 → 坚定站立的 → 平稳的,稳定的,坚固的;意志坚定的,不动摇的;可靠的。

cheat; 来自古法语 escheat, 来自拉丁词* excadere, 前缀 ex-, 向外,词根 cad, 掉落 → 原为一特殊官职,其主要职责为清收无主领地或财产,或没有继承人的财物,因担任这一职务的官员经常做一些中饱私囊,侵吞国有财产的事情,最终固定为现在的词义。

righteous; riht, 正确的, wis, 举止 古英语 → rihtwis, 正确的举止 → 公正的,正义的。

indignation; in- 否定 + -dign- 尊严 + -ation 名词词尾 → 愤怒。

righteous indignation; 正当的愤怒 → 义愤。

preserve; pre- 前 , 先 + -serv- 保持 , 留心 + -e 动词词尾 → 保护,维护,保留;维持。

abundantly; ab- 加强意义 + -und- 溢出 + -ant 形容词词尾 → 充裕的,充分的,丰盛的。

reward; re- 回 + ward 看管 , 看护 → 对看管、看护的回报 → 奖赏,酬劳;报答,酬谢。

evolve; e- 向上 + -volv- 卷动 + -e → 事物的发展是螺旋上升的 → 发展、进化。

independently;  in- 否定 + de- 下降 + -pend- 悬挂 , 下垂 + -ent 形容词词尾 → in-, 不,非, dependence, 依靠 → 独立的。

ancestor; an (= ante ,在前)+ ces (走)+ tor (的人) → 走在前面的人 → 祖先。


  • slack
  • token
  • cheat
  • outrage
  • slice
  • righteous
  • regard
  • cucumber
  • indignation
  • all too human
  • chamber
  • righteous indignation
  • underlying
  • adjoining
  • abundantly
  • assumption
  • observe
  • reward
  • finely
  • markedly
  • evolve
  • grievance
  • grape
  • independently
  • capuchin
  • luxury
  • ancestor
  • cute
  • preferable
  • good-natured
  • reluctant
  • preserve
  • creature
  • toss
  • vanish
  • counterpart
  • presence
  • capable
  • above all
  • resentment
  • reputation
  • characteristic
  • species
  • colleague
  • candidate
  • stable


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
