In 1784, five years before he became president of the United States, George Washington, 52, was nearly toothless. So he hired a dentist to transplant nine teeth into his jaw-having extracted them from the mouths of his slaves.
hire;来自 Proto-Germanic * hurjan, 租,借 → 租用,雇佣。
dentist; dent- 牙齿 + -ist 名词词尾 → 牙科医生,牙医。
transplant; trans-, 转移,转变, plant, 移植,栽种 → 移植,移种。
jaw; 来自 Proto-Germanic * kawo, 下巴 → 下巴。
extract; ex- 出 + -tract- 拉 , 引 → 抽出 → 取出,抽出,拔出;榨取,提炼,提取;获得,索取。
slave; 原义为斯拉夫人( Slav ),因在中世纪时斯拉夫人大量沦为奴隶而引申该词义 → 奴隶。
That's a far different image from the cherry-tree-chopping George most people remember from their history books. But recently, many historians have begun to focus on the role slavery played in the lives of the founding generation. They have been spurred in part by DNA evidence made available in 1998, which almost certainly proved Thomas Jefferson had fathered at least one child with his slave Sally Hemings. And only over the past 30 years have scholars examined history from the bottom up. Works of several historians reveal the moral compromises made by the nation's early leaders and the fragile nature of the country's infancy. More significantly, they argue that many of the Founding Fathers knew slavery was wrong-and yet most did little to fight it.
cherry; 樱桃。
chop; 可能来自拟声词,模仿切东西的声音 → 砍,劈,斩。
historian; history 历史( y 变 i ) + -an... 人 → 历史学家。
found; 与词根 -fund- (熔 , 注;底部 , 基础)同源 → 成立,建立,创办;(on)把...基于,以...为根据。
spur; 来自古英语 spura, 马刺,靴刺 → 引申词义刺激,鼓舞。
available; avail (有益于)+ able (能够) → 有益的、有用的 → 可用的 → 引申词义可获得的,有空的等。
examine; ex-, 向外。 -act, 做,驱使,称量 → 检查,考察。
reveal; re- 后 + veal ( veil )面纱 → 面纱向后揭开 → 展现,显示;揭示,揭露;泄露,告诉。
moral; mor- 习惯 + -al 形容词词尾 → 道德(上)的,精神的。
compromise; com- 共同 + pro- 前 + mis ( -mit- )送 , 派 + -e 动词词尾 → 即相互承诺的,互退一步相互有所妥协的。
fragile; frag- 打破 , 打碎 + -ile 有…性质的 → 易碎的,脆的;脆弱的,虚弱的。
infancy; 来自 infant, 婴儿 → 婴儿期。
significant; sign- 标记 + -i- + -fic- 做 , 作 + -ant 形容词词尾 → 引申比喻词义有意义的;重大的,重要的。
argue; 来自词根 arg, 白 争吵以辩白 → 争吵 → 论证、说明、表明。
More than anything, the historians say, the founders were hampered by the culture of their time. While Washington and Jefferson privately expressed distaste for slavery, they also understood that it was part of the political and economic bedrock of the country they helped to create.
hamper; 来自古法语 hanap, 杯子,酒杯,后引申词义装杯子的大篮子 → 大篮子包围、禁锢 → 引申词义妨碍,阻止。
distaste; dis-, 不,非,使相反。 taste, 口味 → 反感。
political; 古希腊的政体是城邦制度。“城邦”源于希腊文 polis ,本意是 city → political (政治的)原意就是“与市民、城邦事务相关的” → polit- 政治 + -ical 形容词词尾 → 政治的;政党的。
bedrock; bed, 河床。 rock, 岩石 → 基石。
For one thing, the South could not afford to part with its slaves. Owning slaves was "like having a large bank account," says Wiencek, author of An Imperfect God: George Washington, His Slaves, and the Creation of America. The southern states would not have signed the Constitution without protections for the "peculiar institution," including a clause that counted a slave as three fifths of a man for purposes of congressional representation.
part with; 失去, 卖掉[付出]…, 与…分开; 割舍。
southern; south, 南方的, -ern, 表方位 → 南方的。
Constitution; con-, 强调 + -stit, 站 → 即站立的,比喻义国家基石,国家根本 → 宪法。
peculiar; 在拉丁语中, pecu 表示“牛” → 在古代,牛是重要的牲畜,也是家庭中最主要的私人财产 → 原义为私人所有的,个人的 → 后引申词义与他人不同的,怪异的,奇怪的。
institution; in- 向上 + -stitut- 创建 , 建立 + -ion 名词词尾 → (公共)机构,协会,学校;制度,惯例。
clause; 词源同 close, 关闭。此处用于语法,即构成一个独立语法结构的句子 → 从句 → (法律文件等的)条款。
congressional; con一起 + gress走 → 走到一起去开会 → 立法机构的,代表大会的,(美国)国会的。
representation; re- 再 + present 赠送 , 呈现 + -ation 名词词尾 → 描述,表示,描绘;代表,代理。
And the statesmen's political lives depended on slavery. The three-fifths formula handed Jefferson his narrow victory in the presidential election of 1800 by inflating the votes of the southern states in the Electoral College. Once in office, Jefferson extended slavery with the Louisiana Purchase in 1803; the new land was carved into 13 states, including three slave states.
formula; 来自 form, 模式,样式。用于数学和化学名词 → format + -ula 小 → 公式,方程式,配方。
presidential; pre- 前 , 先 + -sid- 坐 + -ent 名词词尾 + -ial 形容词词尾 → 总统的,总裁的,会长的,校长的。
election; e- 出 + -lect- 采集 + -ion 名词词尾 → 选举,推举,当选。
inflate; in-, 进入,使, -flat, 吹,鼓起 → 引申词义充气,膨胀。
Electoral; e- 出 + -lect- 采集 + -or 名词词尾 , 人 + -al 形容词后缀 , …的 → 选举人的,与选举有关的。
Electoral College; 总统选举团。
Purchase; pur-, 向前,在前, chase, 追逐 → 引申词义得到,获得,握紧,抓牢 → 后用于指采购,购买,且成为其主要词义。
Louisiana Purchase; 路易斯安那购地案,美国于1803年以大约每英亩三美分向法国购买超过529,911,680英亩(2,144,476平方公里)土地的交易案,该交易的总价为1500万美元或相当于8000万法郎(如以国内生产总值相对比例计算,此数在2004年相当4178亿美元)。购地所涉土地面积是今日美国国土的22.3%,与当时美国原有国土面积大致相当。
carve; 来自 PIE * sker, 砍,切,刻 → 雕刻。文中翻译为划分。
Still, Jefferson freed Hemings's children-though not Hemings herself or his approximately 150 other slaves. Washington, who had begun to believe that all men were created equal after observing the bravery of the black soldiers during the Revolutionary War, overcame the strong opposition of his relatives to grant his slaves their freedom in his will. Only a decade earlier, such an act would have required legislative approval in Virginia.
approximately; ap- 加强意义 + -proxim- 接近 + -ate 动词词尾 + -ly 副词词尾 → 近似地,大约。
observe; ob-, 向前,朝向, -serve, 注视,观察,保护 → 观察,注视;引申词义坚守,遵守,遵行等。
revolutionary; re- 再 , 重复 + -volut- 卷动 + -ion 名词词尾 + -ary 形容词词尾 → 革命是翻天覆地的大变化 → 革命的,革新的
overcome; over-, 在上,超过, come, 来到 → 原义为赶上,超过,引申词义克服,战胜。
opposition; op- 对面 + -posit- 放置 + -ion → 反对,对抗;相反,对立;反对者,反对派;反对党,在野党。
relative; re- 回 + -lat- 携带 , 拿取 + -ive 形容词词尾 → 携带回来,两者产生联系 → 相关的,相对的,亲属,亲戚。
grant; 来自拉丁语 credens (相信),从这个词源中能发现其最初词根是 cred “相信”。单词 grant 和词根 cred 含音变关系: g / c 清浊辅音音变, a / e 元音音变, t / d 清浊辅音音变, grant 里的 n 是鼻音化现象,可体会其整体音似。所以词源上,授予这一行为中包含了对对方的信任 → 授予,准予。
legislative; legis- 法(规) + -lat- 携带 , 拿取 + -ive 形容词词尾 → 立法的,有立法权力的。
approval; ap- 来 , 临近 + -prov- 验证 + -al 名词词尾 → 批准,认可;赞成,同意。
