2007 As the cartoon vividly shows, a goalkeeper and a striker are doing their own duties in a football match

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As the cartoon vividly shows, a goalkeeper and a striker are doing their own duties in a football match, but the goalkeeper imagines himself as a dwarf, and in striker's mind, the goalkeeper becomes a giant with a huge body.

vividly; viv- 活 + -id 形容词词尾 → vivid:栩栩如生的,生动的;(颜色、光线等)鲜艳的 → vividly 生动地。


striker; strike, 踢, -er, 人 → 前锋。

dwarf; 可能来自 PIE * dhwer, 伤害,欺骗 → 矮子。

giant; 希腊神话中的巨人族癸干忒斯gigantes → 癸干忒斯的希腊语原意是“盖亚所生的”,天神乌拉诺斯被其子克洛诺斯阉割时,溅出的精血洒落在大地女神盖亚身上,使盖亚诞生了巨人族癸干忒斯( gigantes ) → 巨人。

When we are faced with difficulties and challenges, we are always inclined to overestimate our rivals and underestimate ourselves, and worry about personal gain and loss. The doubt which is hidden inside devastates our self-confidence and stops us moving forward. Sometimes, we are under great strain due to a lack of self-confidence. However, self-confidence is an inner power, and we need to inspire it by fully exerting our advantages in our own field and sticking to the pursuit of dream. Take Zhang Yining for example. Besides strong perseverance and solid professional competence, she also showed enough self-confidence when she took part in ping-pong competitions, which makes for a successful and legendary sports career.


incline;  in- 入 + -clin- 倾 , 斜 + -e → 倾向,倾斜。

overestimate; over- 过分 , 在…上 + estimate 评估 → 高估,估计过高。

rival;  rival 和 river (河流)同源,意思是河对面的人、共饮一江水的人 → 在古代,围绕一江一河往往会展开激烈的争夺,由近邻演变为对手 → 对手。

doubt; duo (二) → 怀疑、疑惑。

devastate; de-, 强调,整个的。 vast, 广阔的 → 即整个摧毁。

strain; 拉紧,绷紧;使紧张,尽力使用;拉伤,扭伤;过滤,压力,拉力,张力。

due to; due 来自拉丁语 debere, 欠款,欠债,应还;由于,应当,应有 → 因为、由于。

inspire; in- 入 + -spir- 呼吸 + -e → 吸入气息 , 注入精神力量 → 启发,鼓舞,激励。

exert; ex-, 向外。 -sert, 连接 → 断开,推出 → 词义进一步扩大为行使,竭力。

stick; 刺,戳,扎;粘贴;文中翻译为坚持。

perseverance; per-, 完全的, severe, 严格的,严厉的 → persevere:坚忍,坚持 + ance 表状态、性质 → 毅力、韧性、不屈不挠的精神。

solid; sol- 坚固 + -id 形容词词尾 → 固体的,实心的,坚固的,结实的,立体的,可靠的,一致的,纯粹的。

competence; com- 加强意义 + -pet- 寻求 + -ence 名词词尾,行为的性质状态→ 能力,胜任。

competition; com- 共同 + -pet- 寻求 + -ition 名词词尾 , 行为的过程或结果 → 比赛、竞争。

legendary; leg- 诵读 + -end 名词词尾 + -ary → 应该被读的东西 最早指应读的圣人史迹 → 传说的,传奇的。

Action boosts confidence and courage. During this process, we might have some negative feelings, such as fear, worry and self-doubt. However, if we fight off these feelings and set sail against the wind and rain with self-confidence, we will eventually see sunshine and rainbows.

boost; 支撑人向上、向前运动 → 推动、促进。

courage; cour- 心(脏) + -age 名词词尾 → 由心而发的 → 进入古法语变为 corage (激情 , 渴望 , 怒气)  → 17世纪进入英语后意义范围缩小 , 仅表示“勇气 , 胆量”。

sail; 帆,航行。

As is vividly shown in the cartoon, a goalkeeper and a striker are doing their own duties in a football match, but the former imagines himself as a dwarf, the latter pictures the goalkeeper as a giant with a huge body.

former; 日耳曼语 for (前) → 进入中古英语为 forme (第一) , 其比较级为 former → 以前的,在前的。

Faced with difficulties and challenges, we are always inclined to overestimate our rivals and underestimate ourselves, worrying about personal gain and loss. It is the doubt hidden inside that devastates our self-confidence and blocks our way forward. Sometimes, we are under great strain due to a lack of confidence, an inner power that needs to be inspired by fully exerting our advantages in our own field and sticking to the pursuit of dream. No better illustration can be cited than the example of Zhang Yining, a great Chinese ping-pong player. With strong perseverance and solid professional competence, she showed enough self-confidence in ping-pong competitions she took part in, thus making for a successful and legendary sports career.

illustration; il- 向内 + -lustr- 光 , 照 + -ation 名词词尾 → 引申词义解释,阐明 → 说明,例证,例子,图表,插图。

cite; cit- 呼喊 + -e → 引用,引证,召唤。

"Action breeds confidence and courage", said Dale Carnegie. During this process, we might be assailed by some negative feelings-fear, worry and self-doubt. However, only when we fight off these feelings and set sail against the wind and rain with self-confidence, will sunshine and rainbows eventually be seen.

assail; as (= ad ,去)+ sail (跳跃)→ 跳跃过去 → 攻击、抨击。



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
