2007 It never rains but it pours.

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It never rains but it pours. Just as bosses and boards have finally sorted out their worst accounting and compliance troubles, and improved their feeble corporation governance, a new problem threatens to earn them-especially in America-the sort of nasty headlines that inevitably lead to heads rolling in the executive suite: data insecurity. Left, until now, to odd, low-level IT staff to put right, and seen as a concern only of data-rich industries such as banking, telecoms and air travel, information protection is now high on the boss's agenda in businesses of every variety.


pour; 倾泻,喷涌。

board; 本意是“木板” → 由于木板可以用于多种用途,所以单词 board 也从“木板”衍生出多种不同含义 → 古代西方人吃饭时的餐桌最初就是一块长木板,所以 board 一词衍生出“膳食”的含义 → 开会的会议桌最初也是一块长木板,所以 board 一词又衍生出“董事会”的含义 → 最早的船都是木板做的,所以 board 可以表示船上的甲板,从而衍生出 aboard 、 onboard 等单词,表示“在船上”。火车、飞机等其他交通工具普及后,又可以用来表示“在火车上、在飞机上”。

sort; 种类,类别,整理,分类 → 妥善处理,安排妥当;文中翻译为解决。

compliance; com- 加强意义 + -ply- 充满 → 即补足 → 顺从、服从;遵守;柔度、灵活性;文中翻译为合规性。

feeble; 来自拉丁语 flebilis 的拼写异化词,呻吟,哭叫 → 虚弱的。

corporation; corpor- 体 → 团体 + -ation 名词词尾 → 团体,公司,企业。

governance; 自拉丁语 gubernare, 驾驶,操纵 → 引申义管理,尤指政府 → 统治,支配,管理。

threaten; threat, 威胁, -en, 使 → 进行威胁。

earn;来自 PIE * es-en, 劳动,收获,通常指农奴,佃农劳动所得 → 赚得,挣得,获得。

threaten to earn them;使他们招致。

nasty; 可能来自 nose, 鼻子 → 引申义难闻的,厌恶的,下流的。

inevitably; in-, 不,非, e-, 向外, -vit, 分开,离开 → 即不可离开的 → 引申词义无可避免地。

roll; 卷,卷轴,翻滚,打滚;字面表示管理人员在行政套房打滚,形容管理人员受到严惩后的举动,严惩:如人事变动(卷铺盖走人)这样的飞来横祸。

executive; ex- 出 , 向外 + -secut- 跟随( s 略) + -ive 形容词词尾 → 跟随…而动 → 执行的,实施的 → 行政的,高级的 → 总经理、经理、管理人员、领导层。

suite; 来自 suit 对词形式,用于指套间,成套等。


odd; 来自 PIE * uzdho, 刺,刺点 → 后引申词义奇数的,怪异的,偶然发生的等;文中翻译为临时的。

staff; PIE * sta, 站,站立 → 引申词义旗杆 → 并引申比喻义军事参谋,即司令官的助手 → 后词义通用化为工作人员,全体职员等。

put right; 需要完成,处理。

agenda; ag (= act ,做)+ enda (名词后缀) → 待办之事 → 议程。

variety; vari- 变化 + -ety 名词词尾 品种 → 种类;多种多样。

Several massive leakages of customer and employee data this year-from organizations as diverse as Time Warner, the American defense contractor Science Applications International Corp and even the University of California, Berkeley-have left managers hurriedly peering into their intricate IT systems and business processes in search of potential vulnerabilities.


massive; 来自 mass, 大块,大团 → 引申词义大量的 → 结实的,非常严重的。

leakage; 来自 leak, 泄漏 → 泄露、渗漏、泄漏量。

organization; 来自 organ, 运行,器官,组织机构 +  -ize, 使。即使有组织运行 → organize 引申词义组织,安排 → organization 组织,机构,安排。

Time Warner; 时代华纳;创始人华纳兄弟。

defense; de-, 向下,离开。 -fend, 击,打 → 即击挡开,躲避打击 → 防御。

contractor; con- 共同 + -tract- 拉 + -or 名词词尾 → 相互牵扯 , 拉到一起来 → contract 引申义确立条款,签订合同 → contract, 合同 → contractor 合同商,承包商。

Science Applications International Corp;科学应用国际公司。

peer; 可能缩写自 appear 出现 → “出现”就是能被“看”到 → 仔细看,端详;文中翻译为检查。peer还有同辈、贵族之意;来自拉丁语 par ( equal ,相等);贵族之意源自与查理曼大帝平起平坐的十二个骑士。

intricate; in-, 进入,使, -tric, 琐事,繁琐 → 即卷入琐事的 → 引申词义错综复杂的。

vulnerability; 来自 PIE * wele, 拔,击打 → 引申义有伤口的,脆弱的 → vulnerable:脆弱的 → vulnerability 名词 弱点,易受攻击,脆弱,(计算机)漏洞。

"Data is becoming an asset which needs to be guarded as much as any other asset," says Haim Mendelson of Stanford University's business school. “The ability to guard customer data is the key to market value, which the board is responsible for on behalf of shareholders". Indeed, just as there is the concept of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), perhaps it is time for GASP, Generally Accepted Security Practices, suggested Eli Noam of New York's Columbia Business School. "Setting the proper investment level for security, redundancy, and recovery is a management issue, not a technical one," he says.


asset;单词来自拉丁文 ad satis → ad = to , astis = enough → 足够的 → 足以清偿债务的财产 → as (= ad ,去)+ set (足够) → 足够的财产 → 资产。

guard; 史前日耳曼语 war- 看管 , 看护 , 谨慎 , 小心 → 日耳曼语中的 w 在罗曼语系中会变为 g ( u ) → gard 为词根“注意,看” → 引申为看守、监护、哨兵、警卫、守卫。

responsible; re- 回 , 向后 + -spons- 允诺 , 约定 + -ible 形容词词尾 → 应负责的,有责任的;责任重大的,重要的;可靠的,可信赖的。

behalf; be-, 强调,在。 half, 半,边 → 在另一边的 → 代表另一方利益的 → 代表,利益,支持,好处。

shareholder; share 股份 + hold 拥有 + -er 人或物 → 股东。

concept; con- 共同 + -cept- 拿 → 抓住,理解 → 指形成思想和概念的 → 概念,观念,思想。

principle; prin- 首要 + -cip- 拿 + -al 形容词词尾 → principal, 主要的,最重要的, -le, 工具格后缀 → 引申词义原则,准则,规范等。

redundancy;  red- 反复 往后+ -und- 溢出 + -ant 形容词词尾 , …的 → 即流出的,多余的 → redundant 多余的,被裁员的 → redundancy 冗余、多余信息、备份、裁员。

recovery; re-, 再,重新, -cup, 抓住,得到 → recover 恢复,重新获取 → recovery 恢复、痊愈、复原、重获。

The mystery is that this should come as a surprise to any boss. Surely it should be obvious to the dimmest executive that trust, that most valuable of economic assets, is easily destroyed and hugely expensive to restore-and that few things are more likely to destroy trust than a company letting sensitive personal data get into the wrong hands.


mystery; myst- 神秘 + -ery 名词词尾 → 神秘,神秘的事物;神秘小说,侦探小说;文中翻译为令人费解的(神秘的)

dimmest; dim- 昏暗的 → dim的最高级 → 最暗的;文中翻译为最糊涂的。

executive;ex- 出 , 向外 + -secut- 跟随( s 略) + -ive 形容词词尾 → 跟随…而动 → 执行的,实施的 → 行政的,高级的 → 总经理、经理、管理人员、领导层。

restore; re-, 再,重新, store, 储藏,存放 → 引申词义恢复,修复。

The current state of affairs may have been encouraged-though not justified-by the lack of legal penalty (in America, but not Europe) for data leakage. Until California recently passed a law, American firms did not have to tell anyone, even the victim, when data went astray. That may change fast: lots of proposed data-security legislation is now doing the rounds in Washington,D.C. Meanwhile, the theft of information about some 40 million credit-card accounts in America, disclosed on June 17th, overshadowed a hugely important decision a day earlier by America's Federal Trade Commission (FTC) that puts corporate America on notice that regulators will act if firms fail to provide adequate data security.

affair; af- 同 ad-, 去,往 +  -fair, 词根 fact 的法语变体 → 事务。

encourage; en- 入内 + -cour- 心(脏) + -age 名词词尾 → 鼓励,怂恿。

justify; just- 法律 , 公正 + -ify 动词词尾 , 使成为… → 证明…正当,认为有理,辩护。

legal; -leg- 法(规) + -al → 合法的,正当的;法律的,法定的。

penalty; pen- 惩罚 + -al 形容词词尾 + -ty 名词词尾 → 处罚,刑罚,罚点球。

firm; firm- 巩固 , 确定 → 意为“签名确认、签名”形成名词 firma (签名)的基础 → 生意 → 坚固的,稳固的;坚定的,坚决的,商行,公司。

victim; vict- 征服 , 战胜 + im → 献祭的人或动物 → 由祭品引申词义受害者。

astray; a (处于…状态)+ stray (迷路的) → 迷路的。

propose; pro- 前 , 公开 + -pos- 放置 + -e → 把观点放在公众面前 → 提出,提议,建议;提名,推荐;打算,计划;求婚。

legislation; legis- 法(规) + -lat- 携带 , 拿取 + -ion 名词词尾 → 法律,法规;立法,制定法律。

do the rounds; 巡视;巡逻 → 逐个访问;文中表示逐个接受审议。

theft;来自 thief, 小偷 +  -th, 表状态名词 缩写为 t → 偷窃。

disclose; dis-, 不,非,使相反。 close, 关闭。即打开,揭露;文中翻译为披露。

overshadow; over-, 在上, shadow, 阴影。即在上面的阴影,使蒙上阴影 → 使蒙上阴影,使黯然失色。

commission; com- 共同 + -miss- 送 , 派 → 放在一起 , 一起送 + -ion 名词词尾 → 使命;委托(书),授权;佣金,回扣;(专门)委员会;文中表示委员会。

corporate; corpor- 体→团体 + -ate 形容词词尾 → 团体的,全体的;公司的。

regulator; -reg- 统治 , 规则 + ul ( -ular ) + -ate 动词词尾 → regulate:控制,管理;调整,调节 → regulator 监管者。

  • legal
  • earn
  • odd
  • justify
  • concept
  • agenda
  • put right
  • victim
  • threaten
  • defense
  • massive
  • astray
  • organization
  • peer
  • leakage
  • legislation
  • sort
  • board
  • Time Warner
  • do the rounds
  • encourage
  • compliance
  • contractor
  • theft
  • vulnerable
  • feeble
  • Science Applications International Corp
  • disclose
  • firm
  • corporation
  • intricate
  • overshadow
  • pour
  • governance
  • vulnerability
  • corporate
  • responsible
  • threaten to earn them
  • asset
  • regulator
  • variety
  • nasty
  • guard
  • propose
  • inevitably
  • shareholder
  • commission
  • roll
  • principle
  • behalf
  • executive
  • redundancy
  • penalty
  • suite
  • recovery
  • staff
  • Left
  • affair


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
