Hunting for a job late last year, lawyer Gant Redmon stumbled across CareerBuilder, a job database on the Internet. He searched it with no success but was attracted by the site's "personal search agent". It's an interactive feature that lets visitors key in job criteria such as location, title, and salary then E-mails them when a matching position is posted in the database. Redmon chose the keywords legal, intellectual property, and Washinton D.C. Three weeks later he got his first notification of an opening. "I struck gold," says Redmon, who E-mailed his resume to the employer and won a position as in-house counsel for a company.
stumble across;stum-stump树墩,ble这里作动词后缀、表可以、能够 → 碰到树墩、绊倒、偶然事件 → 意外发现、偶然遇见;这里以动词短语的形式充当谓语。
attract;at-朝、向,tract-拉、引,向着一个方向拉引,tractor-卡车→引向→吸引;was attracted by,be+过去分词,表被动语态。
agent;ag-行动、做,ent-名词词尾 → 帮着行动、做的人或物 → 代理;名词。
interactive;inter- 深入、相互 + -act- 行动 + -ive 形容词词尾 , 表性状 → 相互行动的 → 相互作用的 → 交互式的 → 互动的;形容词。
feature;-feat- 做 , 作 + -ure 名词词尾 → 做出来的特质 → 特征;名词。
criteria;-crit- 判断 , 决定 + -er 名词词尾 + -ion 名词词尾 → 已经决定了的 → 定下来的 → 标准;名词 → criterion的复数形式。
location;-loc- 位置 + -ation → 地点;名词,指求职地点。
title;来自古法语 title,来源于拉丁语 titulus (碑文 , 铭文) → 标题 → 称号、头衔;名词 → 以头衔代表职位。
salary;-sal- 盐 + -ary 名词词尾 → 盐在古代很贵重 → 盐作为军饷的一部分 → 买盐的津贴 → 盐钱 → 薪水;名词。
matching;来源日耳曼语 -makon- 匹配;动词match的现在分词 → 匹配的。
position;-posit- 放置 + -ion 名词词尾 → 放置的 → 位置、观点、态度 → 职位;名词 → 职位。
legal;-leg- 法(规) + -al → 法律的;形容词 → 作为关键词搜索法律相关的职位。
intellectual; intel- 相互、深入、之间、中间 + -lect- 选择、诵读 + -ual → 深入学习并选择 → 深入学习获得知识 → 有才智的(注意和先天智力有区别) → 知识分子;形容词 → 形容产权的,intellectual property 知识产权。
property;proper- 个人的, -ty 名词后缀 → 个人的东西 → 财产 → 房产 → 特性;名词 → 与intellectual搭配,表知识产权。
notification;-not- 知道 , 认识 , 标记 + -i- + -fic- 做 , 作 + -ation 名词词尾 → 把知道的内容做出来 → 通知; 名词 → 表电子邮件的通知。
resume;re- 再 , 重复 + -sum- 最高 , 总 + -e → 再从文章中提炼最精炼的内容、总体思想的内容 → 摘要 → 简历;名词。
counsel;coun-, 同 con-, 强调。 -sel, 带来,召集 → 召集开会,协商,劝告 → 劝告、忠告 → 法律顾问 → 律师;名词,结合上下文表法律顾问的意思。
With thousands of career-related sites on the Internet, finding promising openings can be time-consuming and inefficient. Search agents reduce the need for repeated visits to the databases. But although a search agent worked for Redmon, career experts see drawbacks. Narrowing your criteria, for example, may work against you:" Every time you answer a question you eliminate a possibility," says one expert.
time-consuming;con- 共同 + -sum- 拿 , 买 + -e → consume-消耗,消费,浪费 → 形容词,名字 + consume的现在分词,time-consuming 耗时的。
inefficient;in- 不 , 无 + ef- ( ex- )出 + -fic- 做 , 作 + -i- + -ent 形容词词尾 → 否定“做出来的” → 无效率的,形容词。
reduce; re- 回 + + -duc- 引导 + -e → 向后引导 → 缩退 , 还原 → 减少、缩小、简化、还原;动词 → 这里指减少需求。
repeat; re- 再;回 + peat ( -pet- )寻求 → 返回来寻求什么 → 重复、重说、重做;repeated,过去分词作形容词。
expert; ex- 出 + -pert- ( = -peri- )试验 , 尝试 → 通过反复试验而变成的 → 专家;名词。
drawback; draw 拉 + back 回 → 扯后腿 , 造成缺陷 → 缺点、弊端;名词。
eliminate; e- 出 + -limin- 界限 + -ate → 出界限的 → 排除;动词。
For any job search, you should start with a narrow concept-what you think you want to do-then broaden it. "None of these programs do that," says another expert." "There's no career counseling implicit in all of this." Instead, the best strategy is to use the agent as a kind of tip service to keep abreast of jobs in a particular database; when you get E-mail, consider it a reminder to check the
database again." I would not rely on agents for finding everything that is added to a database that might interest me," says the author of a job-searching guide.
concept;con- 共同、强调 + -cept- 拿 → 拿到的 → 抓住的 → 理解到的 → 理解到而形成的思想和概念;名词。
broaden;broad 广 + -en 动词词尾 → 使得宽广 → 放宽、加宽 → 拓展;动词。
counseling;coun-, 同 con-, 强调。 -sel, 带来,召集 → 召集开会,协商,劝告 → 劝告、忠告 → 法律顾问 → 律师;career counseling,职业咨询的意思,-ing形式的名词,强调一种动态,说明自始至终代理都不包括咨询。
implicit;im-, 进入,使, -plic, 编织、卷入、折叠 → 使加入 → 内含的、含蓄的 → 固有的、无保留的;形容词,这里表示内含的意思。
Instead;in-, 进入,使, -st, 站立 → 使得某某站立,从而替代 → 替代位置的、代替 → 既然代替了,说明原来的不好,否定的意思→ 相反(in词根另一个词义否定);副词,只能单独使用,这里表示相反,不要寄希望代理可以作咨询的工作。
strategy;strat-“扩散,层次”+egy → 需要扩散的 → 策略、战略 → strategos 策略的制定者、战略家、将军;名词,这里表示策略。
abreast; a (处于)+ breast (乳房)→乳房所处状态→并排的(谁想到的呢用乳房来表示并排的意思);to keep abreast of 动词不定式短语作目的状语,跟上,了解......(关于工作职位)的最新情况。
consider; con-, 强调、一道、共同 -sider, 星星 → 一起看星星 → 古代占星术 → 考虑 → 体谅、照顾、 认为,把…看做 ;动词,这里表示把…看做。
reminder; re- 再 + mind ( -ment- )记忆 + -er 人或物 → 帮助你再记忆的人或物 → 提醒物、提醒者、提示;名词。
Some sites design their agents to tempt job hunters to return. When CareerSite's agent sends out messages to those who have signed up for its service, for example, it includes only three potential jobs-those it considers the best matches. There may be more matches in the database; job hunters will have to visit the site again to find them-and they do." On the day after we send our messages, we see a sharp increase in our traffic," says Seth Peets, vice president of marketing for CareerSite.
tempt; ten, 展开 → 展开展示是为了吸引 → 引诱、诱惑。
traffic; tra-, 转 移, -fic, 做,制造 → 转移制造的物品 → 买卖、交易 → 交通;这里做网站流量解释。
vice;vitium, 缺陷,过错,污点,字母 c,t 音变 → vice本为旁边之意,也就是副手、替代之意,古代主城之外属于vice,古罗马视主城之外边缘地区属于莽荒之地 → 蛮荒之地罪恶横行 → 罪行;当然这里没有罪行的意思,文中表示副的,形容词。
Even those who aren't hunting for jobs may find search agents worthwhile. Some use them to keep a close watch on the demand for their line of work or gather information on compensation to arm themselves when negotiating for a raise. Although happily employed, Redmon maintains his agent at CareerBuilder. “You always keep your eyes open," he says. Working with a personal search agent means having another set of eyes looking out for you.
worthwhile; worth-钱, 值…的, 拥有…财产的 + while 在期间 → 值得的,……是值得(花时间和精力)的,有价值的;这里作宾语 search agents 的宾语补足语。
demand; de-, 向下,强调。 -mand , 要求,命令 → 强烈要求;on demand 按需,这里作名词用。
compensation; com- 加强意义 + -pens- 支付 + -ation 名词词尾 → 加强支付 → 赔偿金、补偿金 。
negotiate; neg- not 否定 没有 + 拉丁语 otium- ease 休闲 悠闲 → not at ease 不安心的 → 紧张,不安 → 谈判的时候心理总有几分紧张不安 → 谈判;ate这里做动词后缀。
raise;北欧语 reisa-举起来、提高 → 古罗马时代孩子出生由父亲抱起,才表示接纳这个孩子 → 养育、饲养 → 引起、惹起,增加、筹集;文中和工作相关的举起,表示升职。
maintain; main ( -man- )手 + -tain- 握 , 持有 → 用手去握持 → 维持,保持,保养。
