2006 On the north bank of the Ohio river sits Evansville, Ind., home of David Williams, 52, and of a riverboat casino (a place where gambling games are played).

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On the north bank of the Ohio river sits Evansville, Ind., home of David Williams, 52, and of a riverboat casino (a place where gambling games are played).  During several years of gambling in that casino, Williams, a state auditor earning $35,000 a year, lost approximately $175,000. He had never gambled before the casino sent him a coupon for $20 worth of gambling.


bank; 原指土凳,堤岸 → 最早的埃及银行家和英国货币兑换商是坐在寺庙内或圣殿庭院内的条凳上经营业务的 → 银行;文中用的是bank最早的意义。

casino;  casino 来自意大利语,本意是“小房子”,是 casa (房子)的指小形式 → 在意大利语中, casino 原本指的是意大利乡间小屋,类似乡村俱乐部;人们聚集在这里面唱歌、跳舞、赌博,进行各种娱乐活动 → 后来赌博的人越来越多 → 赌场。

gamble; 来自 game, 游戏,打赌 → 赌博。

auditor; aud- 听 + -it 名词词尾 + -or 名词词尾 , 人 → 旁听生 → 会计检查官,查帐员,审计员。

approximately; ap- 加强意义 + -proxim- 接近 + -ate 动词词尾 + -ly 副词词尾 → 近似地,大约。

coupon; 来自 coup, 砍,击,成半 → 因这种券通常由券和存根两部分给成 → 配给券,票证,优惠券等。

He visited the casino, lost the $20 and left. On his second visit he lost $800. The casino issued to him, as a good customer, a "Fun Card," which when used in the casino earns points for meals and drinks, and enables the casino to track the user's gambling activities. For Williams, those activities became what he calls "electronic heroin."


issue; 古法语 issue, 出口,出去 → 向外走出 → 向外提出、宣告 → 问题,议题,期刊,发行 → 做动词时 表示公布,发布,发给,供给,出版,发行;文中表示”发给“的意思,发了娱乐卡。

electronic; electr- 电 + -on 名词词尾 , 微粒子 + -ic 形容词词尾 , 名词之后 , 属于 → 电子的。

heroin; 希腊语 heros (半神) → hero, 英雄, -in, 化学名词后缀 → 因这种药物让人产生飘飘然,仿佛变成了神通广大的英雄而得名 → 海洛因。

By the time he had lost $5,000 he said to himself that if he could get back to even, he would quit. One night he won $5.500,but he did not quit. In 1997 he lost $21,000 to one slot machine in two days. ln March 1997 he lost $72,186. He sometimes played two slot machines at a time, all night, until the boat docked at 5 a.m, then went back aboard when the casino opened at 9 a.m. Now he is suing the casino, charging that it should have refused his patronage because it knew he was addicted. lt did know he had a problem.


slot machine;  slot 开缝,开窄口 ;投放,插入 → 投硬币的机器 → 第一代角子机获奖的图案是三只老虎,于是就被称为老虎机了,也符合它吃掉很多硬币的情形(吃硬币的老虎) 。

dock; duc, 引导 → 引导停靠 → 码头,船坞,被告席 → 作动词表示 停靠码头,进港,(宇宙飞船)对接,扣除(部分工资),剪短(动物尾巴)。

aboard; a (= on )+ board (木板) → 古代小船基本上就是由几块木板构成的,所以 board 又可以延伸表示“木船” → aboard 就是“在船上”的意思 → 在火车上、在飞机上 → 上船,飞机,火车等。

sue;  sequ- 跟随 → sue → 追究法律责任 → 控告,对…提起诉讼。

charge; charge 的原义是“装载 , 加担子” → carr- 装载 → charge 装载 → 使人负担费用,使人负有罪名,使电池“装载”电荷 → 索价,要…支付;控告,指控,指责;使承担…职责,赋职;充电;文中表示指控。

patronage; patr- 父 , 祖国 + -on 名词词尾 → 在古代,艺术家的日子不好过 需要靠上流人士的资助,购买艺术家的作品、资助艺术家的人就被称为 patron (赞助人、保护人) → patron, 赞助, -age, 名词后缀 → 赞助,资助;文中翻译为继续进场,指进场赌博的行为是一种资助。

addict;  ad ( to )+ dicere ( dict ,宣告) → 待发落的、待分配的 表示 → 任人发落的奴隶 → 后来用来形容任何像奴隶那样缺乏自主性、依赖他人或他物的人 → 有瘾的人;文中做动词,使上瘾。

In March 1998,a friend of Williams's got him involuntarily confined to a treatment center for addictions, and wrote to inform the casino of Williams's gambling problem. The casino included a photo of Williams among those of banned gamblers, and wrote to him a "cease admissions" letter. Noting the medical/psychological" nature of problem gambling behavior, the letter said that before being readmitted to the casino he would have to present medical/psychological information demonstrating that patronizing the casino would pose no threat to his safety or well-being.


involuntarily;PIE * wel, 希望,意愿 → volunt- 自愿 + -ary 形容词词尾 →  in-, 不,非, voluntary, 自愿的 → 非自愿地 → 强制。

confine; con- 加强意义 + -fin- 界限 + -e → 限定,限制;监禁,禁闭。

inform; in- 使 ... + -form- 形 → 使成形 → 使一个思想或描述成形 , 告诉人某事 → 告诉,通知,报告;告发,告密。

ban; 原始印欧词根 bha (公布) → 古英语 bannan (公告、命令、召集)本来既可是命令做某事或禁止做某事 → 后来词义逐渐缩小为“禁止做某事”。

cease admission; ceas ( -cess- )退让 + -e ;ad- 来 , 临近 + -miss- 送 , 派 + -ion 名词词尾 → cease 停止,中止;admission 准许进入,承认,入场费 → 停止入场,禁止入内。

readmit; re-, 再,重新, admit, 承认 → 重新接纳。

demonstrate; de- 加强意义 + -mon- 提醒 , 警告 + -ster 名词词尾( e 略) + -ate 动词词尾 → 表示,表明;举例说明;证实,证明;示范,表演,展示;当众夸耀(某物)的好处(以招徕买主);图解,插图。

patronize; patron, 赞助,保护, -ize, 使 → 后引申贬义词义屈尊,像别人的父亲的 → 赞助,保护,屈尊,光顾,资助。

Although no such evidence was presented, the casino's marketing department continued to pepper him with mailings. And he entered the casino and used his Fun Card without being detected.


pepper; 胡椒,胡椒粉,辣椒,甜椒 → 作动词时表示 加胡椒粉于,使布满,乱发(质问、子弹),【美拳】接连速击;文中表示不断发(乱发)邮件的行为。

detect; de-, 不,非,使相反。 -tect, 覆盖 → 揭开覆盖,查明 → 发觉,觉察;侦查,探测。

The Wall Street Journal reports that the casino has 24 signs warning: "Enjoy the fun...and always bet with your head, not over it." Every entrance ticket lists a toll-free number for counseling from the Indiana Department of Mental Health. Nevertheless, Williams's suit charges that the casino, knowing he was "helplessly addicted to gambling, "intentionally worked to "lure" him to "engage in conduct against his will." Well.


Journal; journ- 一天(的工作量) + -al 名词词尾 → “日报”的报社要把每天的工作量做完 → 日报,定期刊物;杂志;日志,日记;Wall Street Journal 华尔街日报。

bet; 打赌、赌注;bet with your head "用心去赌"或者"动脑筋来赌",表示赌博时要保持头脑清醒。

toll-free number; 免费电话号码。

counsel; coun-, 同 con-, 强调。 -sel, 带来,召集 → 召集开会 → 劝告,忠告。

suit; sequ- 跟随 → suit → 原指跟随的一群人,追随者,随从 → 后指配备给随从的统 一的制服 → 西服,西装,套装,成套,相配,匹配,适宜 → (扑克牌中)所有同花色的牌,(具有影响力的)高级管理人员(尤指财务方面);文中结合上下文,应为威廉姆斯代理律师的意思,翻译为诉讼,省略律师之意。

intentional;  in- 朝 , 向 + -tent- 延伸 + -ion + -al → 使〔想法〕伸展 → 打算 → 故意的,有意图的,有意识的。

lure; 来自 Proto-Germanic * lothran, 呼叫,召唤 → 原义为召唤猎鹰的饵食 → 引申词义诱饵,引诱,魅力等。

engage; en-, 进入,使。 -gage, 承诺,加入 → 吸引,卷入,雇用。

conduct; con- 共同 , 一起 + -duct- 引导 → 引导,行为,带领;指挥(乐队);经营,管理,处理;传导,传(热、电等)。

lt is unclear what luring was required, given his compulsive behavior. And in what sense was his will operative?


require; re-, 表强调, -quir, 要求,询问 → 需要;要求,命令。

compulsive;com- 加强意义 + -puls- 推动 → 强迫推动 → 难以控制的,强迫性的。

operative; oper- 工作 + -ate 动词词尾 → operate:运作,操作,手术 → 运转的,起作用的。

The fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders says "pathological gambling" involves persistent, recurring and uncontrollable pursuit less of money than of the thrill of taking risks in quest of a windfall.


edition; e- (= ex- )出 + dit ( -do- 给) + -ion 名词词尾 → edit, 编辑 → 版,版本,版次。

Diagnostic; dia-, 穿过,整个的。 -gn, 知道 → 整体分析后知道 → 诊断的,特征的。

Statistical; stat- 站立 , 放置(→“政体”站立方式→国家) + -ist 从事某项工作(此处:描绘国家所处状态)的人 + -ical 形容词词尾 → 统计的,统计学的。

Manual; manu- 手 + -al → 手制造的,手工的 → 后引申词义手册等。

Mental; ment- 记忆 , 智力 + -al 形容词词尾 → 精神的,心理的,思考的。

Disorder; dis- 否定 + -order- 秩序 , 顺序 → 混乱,杂乱,骚乱;失调,疾病。

pathological; path- 痛苦 + -o- + -logy …学科 → 病理学的。

involve; in- 向内 + -volv- 卷动 + -e → 卷入,参与 → 涉及、包含、需要。

persistent;per- 贯穿 + -sist- 站 + -ent 形容词词尾 , 行为的倾向 → 从始至终站立 → 坚持的,执着的。

recur; re- 再 + -curr- 流 , 跑 → 再发生,复发;重现。

pursuit;  pur ( pro- )前 + suit ( -sequ- )跟随 → 追求 → 追赶;追求;职业,工作,消遣,爱好,事业。

thrill; 自古英语 thyrlian, 钻孔,打洞,穿过 → 本意是刺穿 → 16世纪末,英国文学巨匠莎士比亚在自己的戏剧作品中开创了 thrill 一词的独创性用法,将人的某种强烈情绪反应形容为被这种强烈情绪“刺穿” → 从此以后, thrill 就被用来形容人的某种强烈情绪反应 → 震颤,兴奋,紧张。

risk; 来自法语 risque, 危险的,风险的 → 危险,风险。

quest; quest- 寻求 → quest → 寻求,探求,搜索。

windfall; 欧洲中世纪时,国王颁布了严厉的法令保护贵族的森林和野兽。平民不能拿走森林的一草一木。只有当风雨来临时,他们才能捡吹落到地上的果子和折断的树枝 → 愿意为“大风吹落”的 → 意外得到的好处。

It is worrisome that society is medicalizing more and more behavioral problems, often defining as addictions what earlier, sterner generations explained as weakness of will. Pushed by science, or what claims to be science, society is reclassifying what once were considered character flaws or moral failings as personality disorders akin to physical disabilities.


medicalize;  -med- 医药 + -ic 名词词尾 + -al 形容词词尾 → 用医学方法处理(非医学问题等)。

define; de-, 向下,强调。 -fin, 边界,界限 → 明确,界定。

sterner; stern:严厉的,严苛的 → stern的比较级。

weakness; PIE * weik, 弯,转 → 引申义柔软的,没有力量的,瘦弱的 → 软弱、弱点、嗜好。

claim; claim- 叫喊 → claim → 声称,断言,需要,索取。

reclassify; re-, 再,重新, classify, 分类 → 重新分类。

character; 来自希腊语 kharakter ,本意是“刻下的印记” → 古代希腊人认为,环境和人的成长经历会在人的身心留下印记,从 而使其具有与众不同的性格特征 → 性格、个性、特征。

flaw; 可能来自 flake, 碎片 → 缺陷,缺点 → 作动词时表示 损害,削弱,使失效。

personality; 来自 personal, 个人的 → 引申词义个性,特征;文中翻译为人格。

akin; a- 加强意义 + kin 家庭 , 门第 → 同族的,有血缘关系的,类似的。

physical; physic, 自然科学, -al, 形容词后缀 → 引申词义大自然的,自然界的,物质的,身体的,肉体的,躯体的,物理的等。

disability;dis-, 不,非,使相反。 -able, 有能力的,健康的 → 无力、无能、残疾、不利条件,障碍。

  • detect
  • coupon
  • Wall Street Journal
  • risk
  • electronic
  • bet
  • mental
  • heroin
  • toll-free number
  • demonstrate
  • slot machine
  • suit
  • addict
  • slot
  • intentional
  • disorder
  • dock
  • require
  • operative
  • aboard
  • compulsive
  • lure
  • sue
  • edition
  • charge
  • patronage
  • Diagnostic
  • issue
  • involuntarily
  • Statistical
  • conduct
  • confine
  • Manual
  • engage
  • bank
  • ban
  • pathological
  • counsel
  • casino
  • cease admission
  • thrill
  • inform
  • gamble
  • readmit
  • quest
  • admission
  • auditor
  • patronize
  • windfall
  • cease
  • approximately
  • Journal
  • pepper


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
