2005 It is not easy to talk about the role of the mass media in this overwhelming significant phase in European history.

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It is not easy to talk about the role of the mass media in this overwhelming significant phase in European history. History and news become confused, a one's impressions tend to be a mixture of skepticism and optimism.  Television is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed—and perhaps never before has it served so much to connect different peoples and nations as the recent events in Europe. The Europe that is now forming cannot be anything other than its peoples, their cultures and national identities. With this in mind we can begin to analyze the European television scene. In Europe, as elsewhere multi-media groups have been increasingly successful; groups which bring together television, radio, newspapers, magazines and publishing houses that work relation to one another. One Italian example would be the Berlusconi group, while abroad Maxwell and Murdoch come to mind.


role;法语 role, 角色,写有演员台词的纸卷 → 职能,角色;文中翻译为作用。

mass; 拉丁语 massa, 大块,面团 → 团,块,堆 → 物质质量,原子质量,文中翻译为大众。

media; medi- 中间 + -a 名词词尾 → 界于新闻和大众中间的 → 媒体。

overwhelming; over-, 在上,超过, whelm, 淹没 → 使淹没 → 被压倒的 → 巨大的,压倒性的。

significant; sign- 标记 + -i- + -fic- 做 , 作 + -ant 形容词词尾 → 标记做的事情 → 有意义的;重大的,重要的。

phase; PIE * bha, 照明,光照 → (月亮的)显露 → 月亮的外观,月相 → 面,方面;(月)相,相位;阶段,状态,时期;文中翻译为阶段。

confuse; con- 共同 + -fus- 熔 , 注 + -e → 熔注在一起 , 混在一起 → 混淆 → 困惑。

impression; im- 入 , 向内 + -press- 压 + -ion 名词词尾 → 向内压 → impress 留下印象 → impression 印象,感想;盖印,压痕。

mixture; mixt- 混合 + -ure 名词词尾 → 混合体,混合物。

skepticism; skep = scop 、 spec (察看) → skeptic 仔细察看的人 → skeptic 怀疑者, -al, 形容词后缀 → skeptical, 怀疑的, -ism, 主义,思想 → 怀疑态度,怀疑主义。

optimism; -um (好的) , 其最高级是 optim 最好的 + -ism 名词词尾 , 主义 → 乐观主义。

convey; con- 共同 + -vey- 路 → 运送,传达。

serve; serv- 服务 + -e 动词词尾 → 伺候,招待;服务,尽责;对…有用,适合;服役,供职;发球;文中翻译为作用。

analyze; ana (完全)+ lyze (解开) → 完全解开 → 分析、分解。

scene; 古希腊剧场中舞台后方的棚屋 → 景色,景象;舞台,(戏)一场;(事件等发生的)地点,现场;television scene 文中翻译为电视业。

multi-media; PIE * mel, 强,多 → multi 多(重)的 → 多媒体。

abroad; 古英语 on brede 宽 → 到宽广的地方 → 喻指出门,离家 → 后指出国 → 到国外,在国外;到处。

Clearly, only the biggest and most flexible television companies are going be able to compete in such a rich and hotly-contested market.  This alone demonstrates that the television business is not an easy world to survive in, a fact underlined by statistics that show that out of eighty European television networks no less than 50% took a loss in 1989.


flexible; flex- 弯曲 + -ible 被动意义 易弯曲的 → 柔韧的;弹性的,灵活的,可变通的;文中翻译为有应变能力的。

compete; com- 共同 + -pet- 寻求,追逐,渴望+ -e 动词词尾 → 追逐同一个目标的 → 比赛,竞争;文中翻译为角逐。

contest; con- 共同 + -test- 证据 , 验证 → 找人来作证的 → 竞争,比赛,争论都找人来作证 → 竞争,比赛,争论。

hotly-contested; 竞争激烈的。

demonstrate; de- 加强意义 + -mon- 提醒 , 警告 + -ster 名词词尾( e 略) + -ate 动词词尾 → 表示,表明;举例说明;证实,证明;示范,表演,展示;当众夸耀(某物)的好处(以招徕买主);图解,插图;文中翻译为证明。

survive; sur-, 在上,超过, -viv, 生命 活 → 生存,存活,比…长命;幸免于,幸存。

underlined; under- 在下 + line 线 → 在…下划线;强调;文中指被统计数字强调,翻译时省略强调二字。

statistics; stat- 站立 , 放置( → “政体”站立方式 → 国家) + -ist 从事某项工作( → 描绘国家所处状态)的人 + -ic 名称词尾 + -s , -ics, 学问,学说 → 管理国家的学问和学说 → 对国计民生的统计是制定政策和进行有效管理的基础 → 引申词义统计数据,统计学,统计,统计表。

out of; 来自,从......里,出于,离开......;文中翻译为在......中。

Moreover, the integration of the European community will oblige television companies to cooperate more closely in terms of both production and distribution.


integration;  in- 不 , 无 + tegr ( -tag- )接触 + -al 形容词词尾 → 没有接触过的 → integral:整体的 → integration 整体、一体。

community; com- 共同 + -mun- 公共 + -ity 名词词尾 → 同一地区的全体居民,社会,团体;文中指社会。

oblige; ob- 加强意义 + -lig- 捆 , 约束 + -e → 原指用誓言捆绑的,给予承诺的 → 迫使,责成;(使)感激,施恩于。

production; pro- 前 + -duct- 引导 + -ion 名词词尾 → 生产;产品,产量;作品;文中指节目制作。

distribution; dis- 分离 , 分开 + -tribut- 交给 + -ion 名词词尾 → 分配,分布;配电;文中表示节目发行。

Creating a "European identity” that respects the different cultures and traditions which go to make up the connecting fabric of the Old Continent is no easy task and demands a strategic choice—that of producing programs in Europe for Europe. This entails reducing our dependence on the North American market whose programs relate to experiences and cultural traditions which are different from our own.


identity; ident-, 一样, -ity, 名词后缀 性质 , 状态 → 引申词义身份,一致等;文中翻译为品牌。

respect; re- 回 , 向后 + -spect- 看 → 再看,反复看→ 尊敬,尊重。

fabric;  PIE * dhabh, 匹配,装配 → 织物,结构。

Old Continent; 古代人缺乏地理知识,以为所有的大地都是连接在一起的 →  continent land 连绵不断的陆地 → Continent 洲 → Old Continent 结合上下文 旧大陆指欧洲这个古老的洲 代指欧洲 Europe。

strategic; PIE * ster, 展开 → strat 展开、扩散+ egy(名词后缀) → (行为、学说等)展开、扩散 → 后词义通用化 strategy 策略、战略 → strategic 战略的 战略性的。

entail;字面上的意义是加“尾巴”于某人身上 ,“尾巴”不是真正意义上的尾巴,而是“法定的权限”,指继承者继承到的一部分遗产 → en-, 进入,使。 -tail, 砍,切 → 来自法律用语,切下来的一块,留给后人继承的遗产 → 特指继承者继承的不能转让的房产或庄园,其继承权利受到一定的限制 → 限定继承 → 使必要,使承担,需要;文中翻译为需要。

dependence; de- 下降 + -pend- 悬挂 , 下垂 + -ence 名词词尾 → 挂于它物下面 , 依附于它物 → 依靠,依赖。

In order to achieve these objectives, we must concentrate more on co-productions, the exchange of news, documentary services and training. This also involves the agreements between European countries for the creation of a European bank for Television Production which, on the model of the European Investments Bank, will handle the finances necessary for production costs. In dealing with a challenge on such a scale, it is no exaggeration to say, "United we stand, divided we fall"—and if I had to choose a slogan it would be "Unity in our diversity." A unity of objectives that nonetheless respect the varied peculiarities of each country.


objective; ob- 对面 , 相反 + -ject- 投 , 射 + -ive → 投射对面的目标 → 目标、宗旨 → 客观的,真实的;宾格的;文中表示目标。

concentrate; con- 共同 + -centr- 中心 + -ate 动词词尾 → 围绕共同中心 → 集中,专心;浓缩。

documentary; document 文件 + -ary 形容词词尾 → 文献的。

involve; in-, 进入,使, -volve, 卷入 → 卷入,参与;文中翻译为要求。

agreement; agree, 同意, -ment, 名词后缀 → 协议,一致。

Investment; in- 入 , 向内 + -vest- 衣服 → 从衣服内拿钱投资 → invest, 投资,投入+ -ment 名词词尾 → investment 投资。

handle; hand, 手, -le, 工具格后缀 → 操纵、控制;文中翻译为解决。

finance; fin- “结束”进入英语时 , 已经有了“最终结清债务”的意义 → 18世纪发展为“货币资源管理”的意义 → 资金,金融,财政。

scale; scale 的本意是“鳞” → 平行的刻度看起来就像鱼鳞一样 → 刻度 → 标度,刻度;天平,磅秤;标尺,比例尺;音阶;鱼鳞;梯子;规模;文中表示规模。

exaggeration; ex- 加强意义 向外+ ag- 来 , 临近 + ger ( -gest- )携带 , 运输 + -ation 名词词尾 → ex- 加强意义 向外 + aggerare” (意为“堆积”) → 越堆越大的 向外堆积的 → 夸张、夸大。

United we stand, divided we fall; 合则存,分则亡。

divide; di-, 分开,来自 dis- 变体。 -vid, 分开 → 分开。

slogan; 苏格兰盖尔语 sluagh-ghairm, 战场呐喊声,喊杀声 → 后词义通用化为标语,口号。

Unity in our diversity;求同存异。

Unity; unus, 一 → 联合、一致。

diversity; di- 分开 + -vers- 转 + -ity 名词词尾 → 转分开的、转散开的 → 差异,多样性。

nonetheless;来自 none the less, 尽管如此;文中表示尽管如此目标统一,又能尊重各自不同。

  • scale
  • skepticism
  • production
  • United we stand
  • community
  • optimism
  • distribution
  • divided we fall
  • finance
  • analyze
  • identity
  • slogan
  • oblige
  • scene
  • respect
  • Unity in our diversity
  • diversity
  • multi-media
  • fabric
  • Unity
  • serve
  • abroad
  • Continent
  • nonetheless
  • convey
  • flexible
  • strategic
  • divide
  • role
  • compete
  • entail
  • mass
  • contest
  • dependence
  • media
  • hotly-contested
  • objective
  • overwhelming
  • demonstrate
  • concentrate
  • significant
  • survive
  • documentary
  • phase
  • underlined
  • agreement
  • confuse
  • statistics
  • Investment
  • impression
  • out of
  • handle
  • involve
  • mixture
  • integration
  • exaggeration


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
