The above photos show that two fans have deep love for a British football star named Beckham. One writes Beckham's name on his face. The other spends 300 yuan making his hairstyle the same as Beckham's.
British; 原来居住在这些英国岛屿上的原住民的名称,古罗马人称他们为Brittani,这个名称后来演变为英语单词Briton(布列吞人) → 不列颠的 → 英国的。
Apparently, the two represent idol worshippers. Such people show their love and worship by imitating their idols' hairstyles, costumes, even behavior and actions. According to a recent survey, more than half of college students have publicly expressed their adoration for stars. Undeniably, idols possess great public appeal, because from the frailty of human nature, the so-called idols are the ideal selves of the young. However, the young are thrown by blind idol worship into seeking the glamorous appearance simply, and fail to value inner endeavor and persistence, two factors critical to the formation of their correct views of life. From another perspective, idols' successful experience is indeed of great value for people who are chasing their own success. We can obtain insights, wisdom as well as inspiration, and eventually turn idol worship into our motivation to move forward.
apparent; ap- 加强意义 + -par- 出现 + -ent 形容词词尾 → 明显的,显而易见的,表面的,貌似的。
represent; re- 再 表强调 + pre- 前 , 先 + -sent- 存在 → re- 再 + present 赠送 , 呈现 → 代理,代表;阐明,说明;表示,描述; 文中翻译为代表,动词。
idol; 拉丁语 idolum, 形象 → 多神教中表示代表神灵的偶像,而在一神教中,则用来表示异教徒所崇拜的“伪神”的偶像 → 一神教禁止偶像崇拜,因为只有一个神,不必在形象上加以区别。因此一神教流行后, idol 一词就常常用来表示广受民众欢迎的名人、明星等。
worshipper; 来自 worth, 价值,力量 + -ship, 抽象名词后缀 → worship 词义引申为对神灵或超自然现象的尊敬,崇拜 → worshipper 崇拜者,礼拜者。
imitate; imit- 复制 + -ate 动词词尾 → 模仿,仿效;仿造,伪造。
costume; con-, 强调 , -suet, 自己的 → 自身的习惯 → 拉丁语 consuetudo (风俗习惯) → 经由意大利语 costume 传入英语 → 拉丁词 consuetudinem, 习惯,习俗,后指历史时期的穿着服装,古装 → 戏服,古装,文中指明星的服装。
survey; sur- 上 , 超过 + vey ( -vid- )看见 → 测量,调查,俯瞰,概观,纵览。
express; ex-, 向外。 press, 压,推 → 即推出,表达。
adoration;ad 做 强调 + ora=to speak(说话),to pray(祷告) → 加强去说去祷告 → 热爱,爱慕,崇拜,敬慕。
undeniably; un-否定 + -deny-否定 → 双重否定等于肯定 → 不可否认地,无可辩驳地。
possess; pos ( -poss- )能 , 能够 + -sess- 坐 → 能够、有权力坐下 → 拥有,占有。
appeal; ap (= ad ,去)+ peal (召唤)→ 请求,呼吁,上诉,吸引力,要求;文中翻译为号召力。
frailty; frail ( -frag- )打破 , 打碎 + -ty 名词词尾 → 脆弱,虚弱;(性格或行为上的)弱点,缺点。
ideal; idea, 想象,想法 → 理想的。
selves; self的复数形式。
blind; 来自 PIE * bhel, 照耀,闪光 → 指闪光,炫目,使看不见的 → 瞎是词义发展的结果 → 瞎的,盲目的。
seek; 寻找,寻求.
glamorous; glamour 与 grammar (语法)有很大关系 → 中世纪普通百姓对这些能读书写字的僧侣们抱有一种敬畏之心,将他们所使用的拉丁语言文字当成魔咒 → 原本表示“语法、文法”的单词 grammar 自然被看成了使用这种魔咒的法术 → glamour ,表示“魔力、魅力” → glamorous 富有魅力的,迷人的。
appearance; ap- 加强意义 + pear ( -par- )出现 + -ance 名词词尾 → 出现,外观,现象。
glamorous appearance;迷人的现象;文中翻译为外表的光鲜亮丽。
endeavor; en-, 进入,使。 -deavor, 债务,责任,义务 → 当你把一件事当做自己应尽的义务对待时,才会卯足劲“努力”完成它 → 尽力;努力。
persistence; per- 贯穿 + -sist- 站 + -ence 名词词尾 → 自始至终站着 → 坚持,持续存在。
critical; crit- 判断 , 决定 + -ic 名词词尾 , …人 , …家 + -al 形容词词尾 → 关键的;批判的,挑剔的;危机的,紧要的;有判断力的;临界的。
formation; form, 模式 → format 版式,格式 + -ion → 形成,构成,构成物。
perspective; per-, 完全的 + -spect, 看 + -ive 名词词尾 → 透视画法,透视图;远景,前途;观点,看法。
indeed; 来自 in deed, 事实上 → 真正地,当然;确实,实在。
chase; cap- 拿 , 取 → chase 追逐,追求;雕镂,镂刻。
obtain; ob- 加强意义 + -tain- 握 , 持有 → 获得,得到。
insight; in-, 进入,使, sight, 看,视力 → 引申词义洞悉,洞察力。
wisdom; wis ( -vis- )看见 + -dom 名词词尾 → 智慧,明智;格言,名言。
inspiration; in- 入 + -spir- 呼吸 + -ation → 吸入活力,吸收灵感 → 启发,鼓舞,激励;灵感。
motivation; mot- 移动 + -ive 形容词词尾( e 略) + -ation 名词词尾 → 动力;动机;诱因。
Idol worship should be a sort of rational respect and admiration, rather than mindless adoration and adhesion. Hence, we should not worship idols just for their beautiful
appearance, but learn their strong qualities and spirit of fighting for dreams.
sort; 种类,类别,整理,分类。
rational; rat- 计算 , 思考 + -ion + -al → 理性的,合理的。
respect; re-, 再, -spect, 看 → 即再看,反复看 → 引申词义尊敬,尊重。
admiration; ad- 加强 + -mir- 惊奇 + -ation 名词词尾 → 钦佩,赞美,羡慕,受到赞赏的人或物。
adhesion; ad- 来 , 临近 + -hes- 粘着 , 粘附 + -ion 名词词尾 → 粘合,粘附;支持,拥护。
hence; hen-, 这里 → 就此分开,离开 → 引申词义因此,由此。
Two fans, as are shown in the above photos, have deep love for Beckham, a British football star. One writes Beckham's name on his face; the other makes his hairstyle the same as Beckham's with 300 yuan 1 spent.
It is apparent that the two represent idol worshippers. How such people show their love and worship for idols is to imitate them in every way-the hairstyles, costumes, even behavior and actions. Seventy percent of college students, according to a recent survey, have publicly expressed their adoration for stars. Undeniably, it is because the so-called idols, from the frailty of human nature, are the ideal selves of the young that they possess great public appeal. However, the young are thrown by blind idol worship into seeking the glamorous appearance simply, thus overlooking inner endeavor and persistence-two factors critical to the formation of their correct views of life. From another perspective, idols' successful experience is indeed of great value for people who are chasing their own success, from which we can obtain insights, wisdom as well as inspiration, eventually turning idol worship into our motivation to move forward.
Idol worship, in a word, is supposed to be a sort of rational respect and admiration, rather than mindless adoration and adhesion. Hence, both idols' strong qualities and spirit of fighting for dreams are far more worthy of worship than their beautiful appearance.
overlook; over- 在…上 + look 看 → 即在上面看,俯视,眺望 → 同时也用于否定词义,即看过头,忽略,忽视。
